Together, with you as independent custom contact lens lab we are offering eye health solutions and support to the specialty contact lens community. We provide you with access to the renowned Original Boston Materials brand plus valuable additional services like helping you throughout the transition period to meet the requirements of EU 2017/745 MDR. You can expect from us the support to develop your success story.
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Boston Gas Permeable Contact Lens Materials
Gas permeable (GP) lens materials can be made into a wide range of special designs for demanding visual needs. Below is the collection of Boston materials to use for varying patient situations.
Eye conditions that are well suited for GP Lenses includes:
- Astigmatism
- Presbyopia
- Myopia
- Hyperopia
- Irregular Cornea
- Keratoconus
For complete product information, click here (click her for german version)
For your customized large diameter button option, just visit the "Manufacturer – Services" section on our Website. Boston® Customized Products
Boston Update Article on Dk Wetting